The County Court of Young County, Texas is a
constitutional County Court presided over by the County Judge. With respect to
criminal matters, it has exclusive original jurisdiction over misdemeanors with fines
greater than $500 or jail sentences of up to one year.
cases are normally heard on
Wednesdays, but alternative dates and times may be available upon
request. The Court attempts to make sure that
all current docket postings are made available on this website. However, each
defendant and his attorney and bondsman are individually responsible for keeping
track of required court appearances.
Timi Hall, the County Court Administrator can provide most
information regarding pending settings. Ms. Hall's contact information
is as follows:
Timi Hall
Young County Court Administrator
516 Fourth Street
Graham, Texas 76450
Telephone: 940/549-2030
Fax: 940/521-9482
If you have a case pending in county court
and are indigent, but desire the services of an attorney, you may apply for a
court appointed attorney by completely filling out
the following document and returning it to the Court Administrator at the above
If you are a defendant and wish to discuss
your case or negotiate a resolution of the any charges, you should contact the
offices of the county attorney. However, you should be aware that the County
Attorney is not allowed to discuss your case with you until after you have been
Local Rules Pertaining to Defendants on Bond
Please be advised that the county judge and his staff cannot speak to
defendants or witnesses pertaining to cases before the court. Further, the
County Judge and his staff are prohibited by law from providing legal advice to
defendants pertaining to cases before the court. If you have questions
regarding the law applicable to your case, consult a private attorney or apply
for a court appointed attorney.