Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you


Blake Sanches


Monday—Friday 0800 — 1700

Office Closed for lunch 1200 — 1300 (may vary)


(830) 780-3925 office

(830) 837-3249 cell


115 North Market Street

Karnes City, Texas 78118




The Karnes County Veteran Services Office is here to assist our local veterans and their families with any of their Department of Veterans Affairs or Texas Veterans Benefits such as:

  • A Veteran filing a Compensation and Pension First Time Claim with The Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • A Veteran filing an Appeal for a denied Compensation and Pension Claim with The Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Serve as the Veterans Representative during their Appeal Hearing with a Veterans Appeal Judge.
  • A Veteran filing a claim for an increase in their Compensation and Pension with The Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • A Widow filing for Survivor Benefits with The Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • A Veteran to obtain copies of their Service Documents such as their Personnel File, Service Treatment Records and their DD-214 Discharge papers.
  • A Veteran to obtain the verification documents necessary to obtain a VA Home Loan.
  • A Veteran to complete the State of Texas forms required to obtain reduced cost Texas Driver’s License, Vehicle Registration, and Property Tax Exemptions.
  • File for The Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System medical coverage.
  • File for The Department of Veterans Affairs Life Insurance Policy.
  • Put Veterans and their families with the necessary resources to assist with their needs.
  • Brief the Veteran and their family members on what State and Federal Veterans Benefits are available to them and the process for accessing them.